I am a senior in high school. I am smart and I consider myself to be quite capable. Recently my family has come up against very tough economic times and I believe that in order to keep our house and livelihood I have to drop out of high school and work full time. I need advice on what kind of job I should be looking for that I could make the most money at. Frankly, minimum wage won't cut it. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thank you.I have a serious problem and I need advice.?
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT drop out of high school.
cut back on other things, times are hard, I know.
but dropping out of high school is not the answer to it.
I have never heard a person that has dropped out of high school say, ';I'm sure glad I chose to leave';, they are always so disappointed they did!
If you're really in that bad of situation, take a part time job and sell things you don't need for money, make things for money, ETC.
but DO NOT drop out of school, it will just make things harder.
Plus, you only have one year left, you're a senior, stick it out for the rest of the year and then you will have more job opportunities, places would rather hire someone with a high school degree than one without a full one.
I wish you the best of luck and I hope things get better,I have a serious problem and I need advice.?
Listen, if you really want to help your family out in the long run...DON'T DROP OUT!!! Not only will it be the biggest mistake of your life, but without even a high school diploma, there will be nothing BUT minimum wage jobs available to you...if that.
Now, that all being said, when I was a senior in high school, I worked 2 nights a week as a waitress at a diner. I usually did Wednesday nights, Friday nights, and Sunday mornings. I usually cleared a good $250 - sometimes $300 a week CASH.
Please realize for your sake, don't drop out of high school being so close to the finish. I'm sure this is the last thing your family would want you to do either despite their financial troubles at this time.
Good luck!
don't drop out, think about it high school diploma=respect no hs diploma=mc donalds. My sister's boyfriend works at a children's museum on weekends and it pays pretty good. try looking for a governmental job, they have those for high schoolers. and if all else fails, there still is burger king!
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