Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Problem gambling dilemma....I need advice.?

No, it is not me with the gambling problem, it is with a woman who comes to our lounge and plays Keno constantly, night after night, losing $500 to $1,000+ each night. This is a legal gambling game in Michigan. The ethical dilema I have, is that I do not know this woman. So should I go up to her and tell her she might be gambling too much? The small experience I have had with her, and based on what others say about this woman, she is a very arrogant, conceited and nasty woman to be around, and everybody says they hate her (bec. of this attitude she has). I do know that she has said several times that her husband would killl her if he found out she was doing this. She doesn't strike me as a woman that can afford this much money (perhaps her husband can, but not her). I am a moral person (but this has nothing to do with religion!), and I think I should speak up to her. I know it's really none of my business, but from an ethical position, should I talk to her, or just mind my biz??Problem gambling dilemma....I need advice.?
I would recommend walk up to her with a pleasant smile, hand her a brochure about problem gambling, or a piece of paper with the phone number of a local Gambler's Anonymous group, and simply say, ';This is in case you need it.'; Walk away and let her make her own decision. As the wife of a recovering gambling addict, I appreciate and admire your concern for this woman.Problem gambling dilemma....I need advice.?
Sounds like it's not really your place...but business is business and if she is spending a lot of money in your place, let her.
LOL-sounds like me in 20 years-leave her alone-no matter what you say-';won't work'; gambling is an addiction-want to feel better about yourself-buy her a drink on the house-
The time is probably coming very, very soon when she is going to suddenly discover an immediate need to raise a large amount of cash to cover for her gambling. If she's good looking, you should make her a proposition.
Only when she hits bottom will she get help. There isn't much you can do at this point.
why do you feel the need to help her is it you feel sorry for her is it because no one had anything good to say about her you feel you have to be her knight in shining armour dont get envolved im sure your a very nice person but at the end of the day im sure you won't get any thanks so save yourself the heartach
Honestly, given your description of her I would not tell her she's going too far. It could cost you your job since it sounds like she'd take it the wrong way and complain to your boss.
hey, if thats her way of having fun, why not?!?but if ever you have to approach her... do so when you are off your shift, you might get fired if you do in uniform or something... if she keep this up, you wont see her much longer.
I think you should just mind your own buisness
I think you have a real big heart but you need to mind your own business.Maybe you could leave a gamblers anonynomous pamplet on her windsheild but you need to understand one thing and that is that some people want to be happy and some people want to be miserable.If she is truly the miserable person you say people complain about she will be miserable no matter what.See some people are on self destruct its sad but those who stand in the way will be punished.I learned this while trying to help an alcoholic.Not a nice needs a hand up alcoholic as some are but a raging miserable, poor me, its not my fault I was abused alcoholic.So unless you say there is this sweet lady who is kindhearted who gambles too much should I talk to her then I might say yes but in this case no.Why?because I think she likes to be the way she is and you would be seen as a threat to her fun.Lets face it if she is rude and hateful people will stay away from her keno machines.So thats her pay off.She is a miserable bully who happens to also be addicted to gambling.Being addicted to gambling maybe the least of her problems she is simply on self destruct.You dont need her blowing up on you! mind your business so you can one day help someone who is really wanting help.She is just whining.ignore her.You seem nice so save that big heartedness for someone who deserves it.I know that sounds judgemental but she might cause you to lose your job if she gets angry.

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