Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm having a problem with getting over my breakup. My friends are even getting annoyed. Any advice?

Guilt is a strange thing even if it wasn't your fault. Always remember why you broke up, hopefully for a good reason. Stop living in the past or you'll miss what the future holds; a new and better relationship.I'm having a problem with getting over my breakup. My friends are even getting annoyed. Any advice?
aaaah..the breakup stage. I'm going through the same thing and I got some great advice! The best thing that I learned to do, is find somebody else. If you happen to be great friends with another guy, you already know he treats you well, so give him a shot! There is a reason why he's your best friend. And as for your friends, I don't blame them. It gets tedious to talk on and on about your past boyfriend, and they get annoyed and irratated. It would be the right thing to apoligize to them, and let them know you appreciate their support. Hope that helps!I'm having a problem with getting over my breakup. My friends are even getting annoyed. Any advice?
Just move on! It's your bst bet and you have to get over it sometime. I wouldn't worry about it too much just don't let it ruin your summer. if your friends seem to be getting annoyed then just stop talking about it. Take this advice.. take Rylie's too. Just listen to what people are saying because if you ask me, you need to move on and deal with the problems in your life. There are many other fish in the sea, maybe he's just not the right one for you. If you just keep looking im sure the right oen will appear somewhere down the road. Your parents found eachother, their parents found eachother and everyone finds their perfect match sooner or later in life. Maybe it takes 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months 2 years or maybe you won't find the one you love until you're in your 50's. But that's alright. Just take what you can get and enjoy the life you have the way you have it. Most people aren't even as lucky as you to even get a boyfriend. Don't stress it too much. Just relax and maybe sit down with a friend or a parent or someone you can really really trust and open up to them. Then go out for some ice cream. that's what i always did and it always worked. I have 4 kids that are all in high school and it worked for all of them too. So take this advice. Good luck and I hope that this helps.
Lots of depends and what if's I would need a little but more detail to help you out....

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